Sunday, October 28, 2007

I am a Community Blogger! Thanks Shannon!

Shannon at Gabi's World has awarded me with the Community Blogger Award. Thank you, Shannon!

She said:

Michelle at DownBlogger who has a daughter much like my Gabi in so many ways including the extra chromosome they share. Michelle works to educate the community about the misconceptions of Down syndrome and those who have it.

For those who have not yet met Shannon and her absolutely adorable little girl, Gabi, go,'ll be glad you did. I have discovered that watching videos of Gabi is good for the soul. Her giggle just makes my face hurt. Cute doesn't cover it, she is just the sweetest thing. I so wish they lived nearby, because our girls are SO much alike.

I will pass this on to the following worthy Community Bloggers:

Kim at Life, Not Just A Cereal Anymore Her stories and pictures about her kids charm me and inspire me. And she has been a wonderful friend to me in ways she may not even realize.

And Our Life, by a fellow Mainer. She has a little one with DS, plus 2 other young ones. Her blog is a peaceful reflective place, great music and wonderful concise posts that make you think and remind you to celebrate all the good things in your life.

It is funny, in the "real world", people have no idea what it means when I say "I blogged about that today!" Blogging has opened so many doors for me, to really look into others lives and see their most important thoughts shared with the world. Its a cool thing, this blogging.


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Congratulations again! You are worthy of it. You are so right about the blogging. I feel like I have become closer to so many of my blogging buddies than those that are within driving distance.

Cindy said...

Thank you Michelle about what you said about my blog-and I LOVE your music:)

Anonymous said...

You ARE the coolest!!!!