Tuesday, May 06, 2008

uh oh. someone's in TROUBLE

before I write this, please know I am not taking it lightly. I was SO mad. Ciarra is NEVER devilish, she has ALWAYS been so easy and not a bit of trouble. Im not sure if it is because of the thyroid thing that she has been a little off, Doc says it can cause behavioral issues...but...OH BOY....

Had an appt of my own yesterday, so left the kids with a sitter. I was almost in town when my cell rings, it is Emily...and she is upset. I worry of course that someone has killed someone or puked or broken some treasure that has managed to survive my scrutiny in this house full of broken STUFF and 3 kids. Well, no one is hurt...yet. No one is bleeding....yet. BUT...something valuable did get damaged. Something...like big sisters new CAR. Ruhro. For some reason known only to Ciarra and God, this perfectly well-behaved easygoing darling of mine decided to draw her sister a picture...on her car door...with a rock. "like Chalk!" she says, when I get her on the phone. "It is a happy face and a tree for my big sister." Oh. Crap. Did I mention this is a new used car? Diamente. Black...ugh. Kristin took it very well, and surprisingly Daddy did too. We have a friend that paints professionally, and he is going to just love getting our money for a shiny new paintjob. WHAT has gotten into this kid?! Whatever it is, she is now assigned a series of jobs, to help pay back what it will cost to re-paint the car. And she lost the privelege of friends coming over for a full week. With Ciarra, all it takes to really get her attention is that I am disappointed in her. She doesnt like that one bit. And when Daddy came in last night, she said "Do you still love me?"....of course, silly girl. But wow.
Ps it isnt funny. But...her Daddy once painted HIS big brothers brand new NEW car with a roller and white paint...top to bottom...even the windows. Must run in the family...on HIS side.


Anonymous said...

Giggle, giggle

Sweet that she wanted to draw her sister a picture - Huge hugs to you Michelle, I know you're going thru a tough time. We're here for you!!!!

Meredith said...

Ah.... Mike once "washed" his dad's new truck... with a BRICK :) It looks a lot like a sponge! I hope Kristen enjoys the new paint job. HUGS!!

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I can totally see Gabi doing this! Oh my husband would flip!

WheresMyAngels said...

Okay that had me spitting out my water!! Too funny! Thought I would of been mad as heck! lol