Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Camp

Ciarra started summer camp today, she will go for 2 weeks...her camp is Camp CaPella, and it is a day camp. She leaves at 7:30 and gets home about 5:30. She LOVED it!

Cant believe Im sharing this, but here is a news clip, we were interviewed today. She missed the bus, so I took her in. No makeup, wild hair, raining lightly, and humid...I look AWFUL...(and So fat!!) but man shes cute.

edited to stop the annoying load as soon as downblogger opened.


Tilly Cat & Pip-Squeak said...

What a great place! Lucky Ciarra...
I know how you feel about being there on video (I hate putting my face on my blog too) but I loved watching that clip, and it's lovely to have a face to put on your voice :)

Take care,


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

You looked fine! You guys are SUPERSTARS! I was actually really glad to see you!